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We recognise that family law issues can be expensive, frustrating and sometimes extremely complex which is why we aim to support, understand and advise you in this difficult and confusing time. Our lawyers strive to thoroughly understand your matter and intentions to provide advice tailored to your personal circumstances. We understand that family matters are very sensitive and as such we try to handle and thoroughly explain all potential solutions, and the effects of all legal actions prior to proceedings.
We provide several services such as:
Divorce Lawyers
At Asher Freeman Lawyers we recognise that divorce and partner separation happen. Our goal is to advise and help our clients reach a mutually beneficial resolution. We understand that getting a divorce is a complex and stressful process. Rest assured that our team will be supporting you in every stage while also assisting you by presenting the best legal choices to you and providing open discussions.
For the court to grant a divorce they must be convinced that the marriage is irreparably broken with no chance of reuniting. In addition to this, the court must be satisfied that there has been a separation period of 12 months or greater between the couple.
We do mention that you can still be living together when separated. If this is the case, then you will need to file an affidavit to support your application to demonstrate to the court that you were in fact separated for the requisite period.
When filing for divorce it must be filed with the federal circuit court along with a copy of your marriage certificate. Please note there will be a court filing fee.
Should the court approve the divorce then it is final exactly one month and one day post-divorce hearing. The court will issue you the divorce order and once you receive this document either party have the authority to remarry should they wish to.
It is important to note that you can be granted a court order or come to an agreement for areas regarding parenting arrangements and property matters even if your divorce is not finalised yet.
At Asher Freeman Lawyers, we can help you throughout your whole divorce process.
Note that after a divorce has been granted parties have 12 months to initiate court proceedings regarding property issues or 2 years for de factor or same sex relationships. There are some circumstances where court proceedings can be issued outside of time limitations however specific conditions are required to be met. Should this occur, our team can guide you on how to create an application if required.